Sunday, 20 June 2010

What Does The EU Do Best?

...blame others and grab power. So says Marta Andreasen in today's Telegraph regarding the EU's insistence on scrutinising national governments' budget plans, including that of Britain. Marta's not optimistic, rightly in my view, that Cameron will hold out against the might of the EU. The whole article is well worth a read but here's her conclusion:

Mr Cameron has grandly declared that Britain would not allow Brussels first sight of the budget and that proposed hefty sanctions against countries breaching deficit and debt limits set by the EU must apply only to the single currency member states.

But don't hold your breath, because he is relying on six flimsy words of the summit statement - "taking account of national budgetary procedures" - to get him off the hook.

I am quite sure that, not just in his heart of hearts but even in private with his advisers, he has already acknowledged that when the next stage of the sovereign debt crisis hits, Britain will be called on to reach into its pockets.

And it will have no choice, because in truth EU integration has already gone that far - and British banks will be among the losers if a country defaults.

From my knowledge of the EU bureaucracy I have little hope that Britain will be spare from this demeaning procedure.

The 'referendum lock' will be another Cameron promise that will be filed under 'cast-iron'.


  1. Of all our MEP's I trust Marta Andreasen the most, she knows what she's up against and hates the institution that cast her aside to the core of her being.
    So, when she tells me Cameron is being conned (assuming he's simply not just waffling) then the UK is in deep trouble again.

  2. I agree QM, Marta's book was chilling in the ways the EU operated and quite frankly revealed elements of a tyrany about it.

    I'm not so sure Cameron is being conned, more a case of he thinks being in the EU and accepting the lose of sovereighty is the least worst choice than the the nuclear option. He just has to pretend otherwise, a situation which Major described so acutely in his autobiography.
