Saturday, 17 September 2011

In Or Out?

As anyone who's spent time arguing against the EU knows, it can be a lonely old business. Aside from the difficulties of putting across the insidious and devious nature of it, one can expect regularly the 'traditional' insults of; racist, 'little Englander' and xenophobic in response. Though apparently this doesn't apply when France, Ireland, Norway, Sweden or Denmark reject, in referenda, further EU integration.

However with the impending collapse of the Euro, everyone is now becoming a Eurosceptic as Christopher Booker points out in tomorrow's Telegraph:

No one expressed this more vividly last week than Max Hastings, in a two-page “recantation”, headed “Sorry, I was wrong”. Having always been a fervent “pro-European”, he proclaimed, he now saw the EU as “a disaster which is blighting every aspect of British life”. The euro folly, crippling regulations, uncontrolled immigration – he chucked everything in to show how the EU has become a monster threatening catastrophe “unless its terms and powers are drastically recast”. And yet (as I recall from the days when I worked for him, and he could scarcely conceal his contempt for my criticisms of the EU), Sir Max has never grasped the real nature of this mighty project or the vision behind it, which is finally colliding with reality.

Yet, as Booker points out, they all miss the point (or are too thick to understand) - they're arguing for powers to be returned rather than confronting the only realistic viable option on the table; that we need to exit. To ask the EU to be reformed or to be more democratic is a bit like asking a wheel to be less round. It completely undermines its raison d'etre:

No sentence in Hastings’s piece was more poignant than his observation that “in its early decades the Common Market was a benign institution, set up to liberalise trade”. He still cannot grasp that the Common Market was only ever intended as a first step towards the ultimate goal, the embryo of everything the EU has since become, – a vast overblown system of government reaching into almost every area of our lives, and symbolised above all by its hubristic desire for its own single currency.

The question therefore has only ever been simply one of 'in or out'. There is no halfway measure and never will be. And while MPs and those in the MSM carrying on bleating otherwise, life (and the collapse of the EU) will carry on without them.


  1. I know Jesus loved the prodigal son, but I hate them; all socialists eventually become prodigal sons, unless they die in still in their ignorance. I want the prodigals to be punished, and I know why I am wrong in wanting this but I still want them to suffer for what they have done to us. I know. not a good Christian, am I. Still better an imperfect Christian than a perfect muslim.

  2. Without the EU what would all the MEPs do? What excuse would our MPs have for travelling to Europe? They'd all have to stay at home and maybe look after their constituents. What a bore!
