Saturday, 2 October 2010

That 'Film' Blacklash Continues

From the Guardian (my emphasis):
Backlash over Richard Curtis's 10:10 climate film
Short movie backing CO2 campaign is pulled after Four Weddings writer's joke backfires
The charities that backed a Richard Curtis film for the 10:10 environmental campaign said yesterday that they were "absolutely appalled" when they saw the director's four-minute short, which was withdrawn from circulation amid a storm of protest...Distribution plans for UK cinemas have now been scrapped.
The charity ActionAid [said] "but the moment this film was seen it was clear it was inappropriate."
At least three other groups linked to 10:10 confirmed they had privately expressed their concern. "Absolutely appalled" was the reaction from one, while another told the Observer: "The great fear was that it would just take the focus off the programme.
A statement from the Guardian, backer of 10:10, which exclusively showcased No Pressure, said: "The film may have been somewhat tasteless.
This whole experience is what happens when you stick copious numbers of 'insulated-sanctimonious-Guardian-type' people in a room, after a Friday liquid lunch, to come up with 'creative ideas' for a film, without the real world invited to the meeting to say; hmm maybe this is inappropriate.

Update: I've just seen that EUReferendum has a post here.


  1. I just can't beleive they didn't see this coming.
    These righteous folk, whatever adgenda they're pushing, really do live in a world of their own don't they.

  2. The film is disgusting. But at least it confirms what we always suspected about the climate change hysterics. They have no regard for humans. I wonder what makes them hate themselves and the rest of mankind. I do believe they are genetically challenged.

  3. @Bucko, they certainly do live in their own world. That's the problem.

    @JIC, The film is certainly inappropriate, and I agree in parts disgusting. The fact that it is has been pulled from cinemas by the makers, means that the people involved also agree with us, albeit reluctantly.

  4. A PR disaster of epic proportions. The game has changed. When they made this film they were blissfully unaware.

  5. I checked that link to EU Referendum. Great. Now we're going to have endless re-workings, a la Hitler in the bunker, which will go some way to legitimise this tasteless celebration of murder as entertainment.
