Monday, 11 February 2013

The Elephant Reveals Itself

Newspapers maybe reluctant to mention the elephant, not so RWE. Above is a scanned-in copy of the first paragraph of a letter (accompanied with a booklet), which has gone to all the residents of Didcot and surrounding area, concerning the closure of the nearby power station next month.

As is clear (click to enlarge) the reasons for the closure are laid out right from the start:
This is because we were required to limit the lifespan of the power station under the Large Combustion Plant Directive - an EU law aimed at reducing emissions across Europe.
The glossy brochure lays out some more detail on the Directive, which apart from Booker, is more than I've ever seen in the legacy media.

When people become aware that the EU is responsible for blowing up cooling towers on their doorstep, it becomes an elephant that is losing the struggle to remain hidden.