Monday, 8 April 2013

Thatcher Dies

Unsurprisingly because she was divisive in life, the news of Thatcher's death is also thus. Those in certain areas of politics seem not to see the irony, in the age of equality, that celebrating an elderly, and ill, lady's death let alone the death of the first female British Prime Minister is inappropriate even nasty. 

I grew up under Thatcher and it was her downfall and the subsequent Tory meltdown over Europe that initiated (largely) my interest in politics. One shouldn't forget though that Thatcher long supported our EU membership, yet conversely to her credit she is the only Prime Minister - post 1973 - to admit that her attitudes and policies towards the EEC/EU were wrong.

What in my view is Thatcher's legacy, among many other things, was that she demonstrated a 'correction'. A correction that was necessary due to the demise of the UK in the 70s. The further a pendulum swings too far one way the more robust the correction has to be to bring things back into balance. Thatcher's correction was against the unions, our current correction is for democracy. In this Mrs Thatcher teaches us some actions are necessary.