Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Shooting Up The Priority List

One of the most common arguments against a referendum, or discussion on the EU, is that it doesn't register in the list of voters' concerns. That of course overlooks the fact that 99% of issues in the top ten of voters' concerns do involved the EU in one way or another - to paraphrase Lord of The Rings; one issue rules them all - and that this logic never applies to climate change.

However leaving all that aside, the latest YouGov poll shows that Europe is now seen as the 3rd most important issue facing country (click to enlarge):

As I've blogged before, this was always going to happen - the Euro crisis has simply brought the inevitable forward. So no longer can this be treated as a fringe issue, and no longer can our political class ignore it. The EU nettle simply has to be grasped and hilariously it's happened on Cameron's watch.


  1. As I have asked previously TBF, would anyone like to provide one aspect of their lives that is not or cannot be effected by the EU?

  2. "As I have asked previously TBF, would anyone like to provide one aspect of their lives that is not or cannot be effected by the EU?"

    WfW -I would amend that to 'adversely effected'.

    I mean, "what have the EU ever done for us?"


  3. @WfW and Anon, completely agree - encouraging though that the issue on its own is rattling up the opinion polls.

  4. ConservativeHome had an analysis of "most important problems" about ten days ago and, because the structure was flawed in this way, it resulted in "The EU" coming out way down the list of priorities. That resulted in the usual pointless internecine arguments - usually between the same people - and all of them missing the point that the EU is the fundamental problem to most of the individual ones.
