Monday 23 January 2012

How Apt

According to the Telegraph, Parliament could be sold off as part of radical proposals to tackle the building's subsidence:
Radical proposals are being considered as to how to tackle the long-term problem of the Palace of Westminster’s subsidence, which has already caused Big Ben’s clock tower to lean 18ins from the vertical.
Among the ideas is one for Parliament to be sold off to developers, possibly from foreign countries such as Russia or China, which could raise an estimated £500million.

There's nothing more apt for the building that's no longer fit for purpose in every sense than to sell it off to foreigners


  1. We should throw in the politicians free of charge

  2. Too late Ripper, they sold their souls (and threw in the rest of the country) years ago.

  3. interesting is it not that the twin towers had "allegedly" reached the end of their lifespan due to mounting maintenance costs? With the London Olympics just around the corner one wonders if this is all a bit of (god forbid) pre-arranged, bogey-man, "war on terror" false-flag stuff?? too fantastic to believe? listen people any thing is possible with the traitorous scum currently infesting our seat of government. reiverdave

  4. Russians and Chinese aren't stupid, Ripper. They'd ask for a discount if it's with the politicos.

  5. If we had to give a discount I wouldn't worry, they know how to deal with people properly, then they send the relatives the bill for the bullet.

  6. I'd like to see the new Parliament in Birmingham/Midlands where there would be and are some proper people living nearby, take the MPs away from the influence of the chatterati.
    Or, even better Lancashire/Yorkshire, one problem though, you can change the building but you still have a problem with the scumbag infestation.

  7. It's thoroughly symbolic, really, isn't it!

  8. @Laurence, depressingly, it certainly is

  9. When this happened to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, did they simply charge it to the EU as a historical building?
