Saturday, 31 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Edited By An Elephant

But what caught my eye was that the Telegraph, who never mention the EU at all when it comes to this issue, almost fall over themselves pointing out that very elephant in the room:
The Business Department has warned that forcing firms to charge a minimum price could be illegal under European law. Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, favours a voluntary approach, but he has been overruled by Mr Cameron, although the compulsory scheme might fall foul of government lawyers.And:
A Whitehall source said: “The Prime Minister has decided that when it comes to alcohol, something pretty radical now has to be done and he is keen on the minimum price. It is complicated how this can be delivered, particularly under European law...And:
European law is complicated and minimum prices are only likely to be allowed if the authorities can demonstrate that they are tackling a major health problem without undermining competition.And:
Historically, governments have been reluctant to look at minimum pricing because of concerns about the legality of the move...What's going on? I can only assume that the regular Telegraph staff have gone on holiday for Christmas and the temporary cover are making a better fist of it. No doubt in January when the regular staff return, normal service of ignoring the elephant will be resumed.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Isolated But Right
Leaving aside that Cameron didn't actually veto anything, what's revealing is that 'Brit bashing' is apparently fair game. Should eurosceptics in this country have indulged in such language about other EU countries then the usual retorts of 'little Englander' would've be chucked about with abandon.
Naturally all of this will be used as an argument of the UK being isolated in Europe. The isolation argument has always been a red herring. It matters not if you're on your own, what matters is if you're right. It's far better to be isolated yet correct, than be wrong only in order to take comfort in being a sheep. The latter is perfect territory for extreme political outcomes that ironically the EU was supposedly designed to prevent.
Ronald Reagan once said:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."I'm partly here on this planet because my maternal grandparents met, as workers, at the Supermarine Spitfire plant in Swindon during WWII. They, in their own way, helped fight for my freedom and so as a consequence handed it down for me to do the same - I intend to carry that fight on. If that makes us isolated then so be it - I don't care.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Parish Notice
However in the words of some obscure Austrian bodybuilder, "I'll be back".
Friday, 9 December 2011
I despair...
Cameron has always shown himself to be a europhile ever since he became leader so why has he only now performed a u-turn so large that it's visible from space? The short answer is, he hasn't.
Despite the wisdom of the all seeing eyes that are journalists (who think this is a summit not a council meeting) there has been no veto, in fact no treaty changes can be made without an IGC. This is evident in the weasel words that are being used (my emphasis):
PM declares: 'I had to pursue Britain's interests... I effectively wielded the veto.Effectively does not mean he has. And...
Cameron faces virtual isolationVirtual eh? Not the same thing.
The golden rule with Cameron is to accept that he is a europhile, so if he appears to make statements to the contrary then there will inevitably be a massive catch So why are most falling for his guff?
Cameron is playing to a pliable British press to convince his party that he really is eurosceptic, when strong evidence shows conclusively the opposite. This is obvious in this piece by the Mail:
This is the moment that Nicolas Sarkozy demonstrates exactly what he really thinks of David Cameron's veto of the EU Treaty change.I bet now Cameron and Sarkozy are laughing in private, saying to each other "brilliant we got the timing just right" but Sarkozy saying; "shit, I still look short in the photos"
After the gruelling all-night sitting in Brussels, Mr Cameron approaches the French president with his hand outstretched, ready to shake and show there are no hard feelings.
But not only does Mr Sarkozy refuse to acknowledge the PM, he actually does a swift swerve aside, waving pointedly to someone - anyone - on his right.
Boris Johnson has concluded that Cameron has played a blinder - in a sense he's right: Cameron is stupid but he's cute enough to play to the gallery of Tory voters who are more stupid and gullible than him.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
A Greasy Chip Butty
It leaves me wondering whether I should write a generic post along the lines of; "nothing to see here, move along the bus please" and keep reposting it after every EU meeting a la Blue Peter's 'here's one I made earlier'. So I can only agree with this piece by Governmentitus who labels the Euro as being in "do not resuscitate" territory (ironically in his first posting for a long time).A blizzard of silly proposals has hit the wires this week as a legion of ministers, diplomats, commissars, high secretaries, and fellow travellers all lobby and conspire to create "momentum" behind pet themes. In the meantime, nothing workable is actually on the table before the "summit-to-save-the-euro" on Friday.
Be careful. Do not be distracted by Byzantine absurdities. And don’t listen to anybody who uses the term fiscal union. There is no such proposal. All we have so far is a Stability Pact with extra lipstick (Fiskalunion).
Nothing further to add.
Meanwhile, the BBC - in its wisdom - has spent the best part of the day regurgitation a 'bears heading towards woods clutching newspapers' story:
Nearly half of cancers diagnosed in the UK each year - over 130,000 in total - are caused by avoidable life choices including smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things, a review reveals.This nannying by the BBC is relentless and I'm fed up of it. Can we have proper news not some uncritical publishing of a report by an organisation with an agenda?
So this is an ideal opportunity therefore to link to, what is in my view one of the finest football chants in the English game - the Greasy Chip Butty song by Sheffield United fans, the lyrics being sung to the tune of John Denver's Annie's song:
You fill up my sensesI'm not sure what I like about this chant the most; the sound of 30,000 drunken Yorkshire men battering Denver's song into submission, the fluffy lyrics of the original sung by wool jumper wearing Denver being replaced by uncompromising Northern imagery, or the fact that when I've heard it sung at Bramall Lane copious children stand up singing (arms outstretched) "you fill up my a packet of Woodbines".
Like a gallon of Magnet
Like a packet of Woodbines
Like a good pinch of snuff
Like a night out in Sheffield
Like a greasy chip butty
Like Sheffield United
Come fill me again....
Anyway it's a wonderful riposte to the neverending BBC propaganda every week and no doubt would give some of those in the BBC, should they hear it, a heart attack....ironically.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Shedding Voters

Cameron's loyalty is to the EU even if it means the complete destruction of his own party. What more of a damning indictment is there of the insidious nature of our membership.
As per the infamous FCO 30/1048 document of 1971 predicting the implications of our membership of the then EEC:
(ii) the transfer of major executive responsibilities to the bureaucratic Commission in Brussels will exacerbate popular feeling of alienation from government.That alienation has come to pass - big time.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Mr Whippy

But no... it's more important to remember if the vote is whipped and (presumably) vote accordingly to party orders.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
A BBC Obituary
That aside, the point of my post is to pick up on this obituary by the BBC. Firstly it states:
At 6ft 4in tall he was known for his physical strength...Which leaves one wondering whether the author has actually ever seen him play. A beautiful passer of the ball he definitely was, however the least of his attributes was his physical strength - by his own admission:
Then we get to this (my emphasis):"Alcohol did not affect my career, in part because I never had the physical build to play this game," he said.
"Soccer became my profession only when I was already 24. I was too thin and when I was young I did not have the opportunity to prepare myself physically for the sport."
His heroes included famous libertarians Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the men who led the Cuban revolution of the 1950s, what way can those two mass-murdering men ever be described as libertarians?
You can't even get away from BBC bias in a footballer's obituary.
Update: Thanks to Witterings From Witney in the comments, he's alerted me to the fact that the BBC (as expected) have made a silent edit to their obituary. It now reads:
His heroes included Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the men who led the Cuban revolution of the 1950s...But I have a screen print:

Saturday, 3 December 2011
I'm So Happy....
Psychiatrist calls for lithium to be added to waterDo read the article in full, ironically it makes you laugh and depressed at the same time. Perhaps it's a clever ruse by Dr Bhamjee on behalf of the Irish Government to drug the Irish into pretending the Euro crisis is not much to worry about.
A consultant psychiatrist last night called on Government to add lithium salts to the public water supply in a bid to lower the suicide rate and depression among the general population.At a mental health forum on “Depression in Rural Ireland” in Ennistymon, Co Clare, Dr Moosajee Bhamjee said that “there is growing scientific evidence that adding trace amounts of the drug lithium to a water supply can lower rates of suicide and depression”.
Dr Bhamjee said that a community would not get “hooked” on lithium “because the doses would be so small”.
He said: “There are 200,000 people suffering from depression in Ireland and the Government must think of new ways of tackling the problem.”
Mr Neville said that with the well-publicised suicide of footballer Gary Speed, it raised contagion or copycat suicide concerns.
Anyway at least it gives me an excuse, on a Saturday evening, to plug a Nirvana classic:
Friday, 2 December 2011
A Disgrace
The Germans are, for historical reasons, desperate to avoid again being placed in a central role at the heart of Europe. But circumstances have conspired to bring this about. Paradoxically, a European Union established to dissipate German power has enhanced it once more. And yet, perhaps because their own economy has performed exceptionally well, the Germans will not face up to their responsibilities. As a modern-day European diplomat, Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, said this week: “I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear its inactivity.” For a Pole, that was a remarkable statement. The Germans should listen, and act.Desperate to maintain the Euro, what the Telegraph is advocating here is, not only a German dominated Europe, but the destruction of democracy across Europe including in Germany. Will German voters have a say in a undemocratic fiscal union that the Telegraph is essentially proposing? Or any other European countries for that matter? This...from a British newspaper.
The deepest irony is that the Euro crisis exists because the German Constitutional Court is upholding the basics of democracy and refusing to let Merkel throw it away on a whim just to prop up the Euro.
So in short the Telegraph wants Germany to throw away Europe's democracy for the sake of the EU and then it will viciously condemn it for doing so.
What a disgrace.
One Minute To Midnight For The Euro
"[the Euro] is a burning building with no exits"In that he was correct, however it doesn't mean that exit is entirely impossible. It's clear in the current circumstances that, due to a lack of proper exits, a form of 'mouse-holing' is occurring - to exit rather than enter. The flight from the eurozone is gaining momentum and by any means necessary.
Both Merkel and Sarkozy are grandstanding with statements of their relevant positions that haven't changed in substance in months if not years. This no longer has anything to do with saving the Euro but protecting their legacy especially with their domestic audiences. And everyone else has cotton on. The breakup of the Euro is increasingly being discussed less like an option but more as an inevitability. China has given up:
China tells Europe: You are on your ownCEOs of major companies are giving up:
China, one of the few countries with pockets deep enough to buy up Europe's debt, cannot use its £2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves to rescue other countries, Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying said yesterday.
It is one minute to midnight for the euroAnd Sir Mervyn King has given up:That is the view of the chief executives of European giants Shell, Philips, Unilever, DSM and AkzoNobel, revealed in a letter to Dutch paper Het Financieele Dagblad. They are running out of patience with Europe's politicians.
"It is one minute to twelve and is therefore of the utmost importance that there will come a strong handling of the euro crisis in the short term," they wrote, demanding "political courage" to create stability."
But in my several decades as a financial and economics commentator – covering banking crises dating back to the early 1970s and the Latin American debt catastrophes of the early 1980s – I have never heard a sitting governor talk in such apocalyptic terms about the parlous state of the global financial system.It's all over chaps, please get on with it and in the most orderly way possible. Thanks.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Quote Of The Day
Going Going...?
What is clear though is that the news chatter is intensifying greatly which indicates panic is setting in significantly. I suggested before that sandbagging maybe happening with gusto but one wonders if they know what they are supposed to be sandbagging against, especially with these rather unusually stark comments from Sir Mervyn King:
Banks should brace themselves to withstand the "extraordinarily serious and threatening" economic situation, the Bank of England governor has said.Which prompted this analysis:
It's getting obvious that no-one has the first idea what they're doing and are in denial about the urgent and fundamental problems of the Eurozone....that then leaves only one conclusion and one inevitable outcome. Gulp!If anyone was in any doubt about the severity of the eurozone crisis and what it might mean for the UK, they shouldn't be any more.
The governor of the Bank of England delivered his starkest warning yet. It's quite something for a central banker to describe the financial climate as "extraordinarily serious and threatening".
Sir Mervyn King made no attempt to play down speculation about the possible break-up of the eurozone. He thinks banks can weather storms ahead if they set aside more capital. But he acknowledged that the problems were widespread and beyond the control of any UK authority.
To sum up the financial regulators' message - fasten your seatbelts for what could be a very bumpy ride.
3 Is The Magic Number

"Celebrities, MPs and Stephen Fry queued up to express their outrage...on twitter" cries the Telegraph, "John Prescott (former deputy PM) tweeted; 'pleeease won't someone think of the teachers...', Tony Parsons tweets; 'Clarkson should be shot for saying strikers should be shot' and a former trade unionist tweets; 'Thatcher dying of cancer jokes are hilarious, but Clarkson's comments are nasty and cross the line'."
Another way of looking at it.
It's only a couple of weeks until Christmas, a BBC presenter has a new book and DVD out and appears on a BBC programme (Biased BBC could fill its blog on just the One Show alone).
Said BBC presenter then makes some mildly amusing yet knowingly controversial comments (where he was clearly joking), thus generating lots of useful and very helpful publicity.
If there's one post I would recommend today above all others it's this one from Richard North on the state of our media.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Anyway, some are referring to it as Brown's 13th budget, which indicates not only the lack of substance - tinkering about the edges - but deliberately making it more confusing: such as flipping between using Office for Budget Responsibility figures on growth and debt but using Treasury figures on the deficit. Witterings from Witney has also come to similar conclusions - labelling Osborne as an economic prat. I must say I can't disagree.
Yet it doesn't matter what the forecasts are - they've been wrong four times in the last 18 months already - the continuing eurozone crisis renders any such predictions as null and void.
Interestingly though Ed Balls, in response to the Chancellor's statement gave a great demonstration of a political dog whistle:
"If we are all in it together, why is it families, women and children always pay the most?"See what he did there? The vast majority of men have families too, in some form or another, including the multi-millionaires: Osborne, Clegg and Cameron. So the statement is factually correct and logically he's referring to almost everyone in the country but the implication Balls' wants to give is entirely different.
Talking of agendas, out of all the 'announcements' made by Osborne see what the BBC has gone with just before tomorrow's strike:

Monday, 28 November 2011
Every Man For Himself
Italy’s disastrous bond auction on Friday tells us time is running out. The eurozone has 10 days at most.The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) gives very chilling forecasts that the Eurozone is rapidly deteriorating (my emphasis):
Not only that but there's a large scale 'quiet' bank run on Eurozone banks and a very visible one a la Northern Rock in an another EU country - Latvia. Money is pouring out of the Eurozone at an alarming speed and the Euro banks are rapidly reaching a liquidity crisis. Welcome to credit crunch 2.0.THE OECD says the eurozone crisis is now one step away from plunging advanced economies into an abyss of recession and even depression, with waves of bankruptcies and wealth destruction in Europe.
"The euro area crisis represents the key risk to the world economy at present," the OECD said in an unusually stark outlook report.
"A large negative event would... most likely send the OECD area as a whole into recession."
"If not addressed, recent contagion to countries thought to have relatively solid public finances could massively escalate economic disruption,"
Those warnings continue with Zerohedge's post here (my emphasis):
Moody’s and others are indicating that time is running out and it may be a matter of days. ICAP, the currency trading facilitator, said it is testing its systems for a return to the drachma or even the Deutsche mark. Italian PM Monti admitted that the breakup of the Eurozone has been broached at meetings with top leaders.Normally I'm reluctant to take the apocalyptic view, however clearly there seems panic behind the scenes. As this piece for the Telegraph asks, why haven't the supposed FCO warnings of possible riots and chaos in the event of a Euro collapse been published officially?
This morning European stocks and U.S. futures are spiking sharply. The pundits are trying to pin the spike on everything from Black Friday sales to an IMF bailout of Italy. We think the spike is the reaction of a very oversold market to the resurfacing of the Sarkozy based rumor of a treaty deal for fiscal linkage. But, even if it’s true, can it be implemented quickly enough for a situation thought to be days away from crisis or climax?
The radio silence from the EU (apart from some recent desperate unworkable announcements) lead to the suspicion that, like a falling dictator who quickly takes as much money as possible before he scarpers, the EU etc are desperately sandbagging to save themselves.
In short now it's every man for himself.
Update: Just seen that Richard North has more.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
RIP Speedo
He also had a beautiful wife and two children...and still apparently wasn't enough. It just shows that you can never truly know someone, and undoubtedly there will be many many hurt people tonight who believed they could have helped if only he'd approached them.
Despite all the headlines of the danger of drugs and knife crime, suicide is a much bigger killer of men, particularly young men, and one that could be largely prevented if not for the stigma of its causes. If nothing else hopefully today's tragic news will help reverse that.
My condolences go to his wife and his two children at this terrible time.
RIP Mr Speed
Friday, 25 November 2011
"Awful Auction"
Bond yields on short-term Italian debt rose above 8 per cent on Friday as Rome was forced to pay euro-era high interest rates in what analysts called an “awful” auction.It's all falling apart, but those that advocated this stupid, ridiculous and unworkable currency will get away scot free; it's the rest of us that will suffer the consequences when it all goes wrong.
Italy raised its targeted €10bn in an auction of two-year bonds and six-month bills but at sharply higher yields.
“Rates have skyrocketed. It’s simply not sustainable in the long run,” said Marc Ostwald, strategist at Monument Securities in London.
What To Believe?
The Economist, with its cover of a euro coming down in flames, asks "Is this really the end?" and answers that, basically, yes it is. A senior minister explained to me a few days ago that contingency planning is now well under way, and takes in both preparations at home for a shock on the banks and work with consulates and embassies abroad, specifically in the eurozone, to anticipate social and banking disruption when it all goes wrong.See, now I have a dilemma with this report. On the one hand Government ministers would be bloody stupid if they weren't conjuring up contingency plans for a Euro collapse, yet on the other hand they are bloody stupid. And to top it off Benedict Brogan is an apologist for Dave, whose 'lack of talents' knows no bounds. So what to make of it? One gets the feeling, that I've expressed before on here, that groundwork is being prepared for the blame game.
The reality seems pretty clear; the Euro crisis is coming to a conclusion, despite the EU rhetoric. The fundamental differences between German and France have not been resolved yet the 'record' has not changed for months, so one is inclined to accept this final paragraph from Brogan:
The betting in Team Dave seems to be that the game is as good as up for the single currency. "It's in our interests that they keep playing for time because that gives us more time to prepare," the minister told me. Anyone who has any kind of exposure to the euro – a euro mortgage for example, or a euro account, or euro contracts – should be taking advice now on how to mitigate the risk: politicians in the eurozone have their heads in the sand, and won't admit that behind the scenes officials across europe are scrambling to fill the sandbags while there is still time.But then we remember that Mr Brogan writes crap like this and this and this. So what to believe? Probably like a broken watch which is still right twice a day, Brogan may have it correct this time, but if so, that instils another rather large concern - we're facing the biggest mass sovereign default in history, so if Cameron is really organising the sandbagging, then God help us.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
On Standby
Naturally the box was festooned with copious environmental messages, most of them images with red lines through, telling you not what to do such as; don't dispose of in a wheelie bin, or throw it at your neighbour's cat - that sort of thing. On the box also was a large logo with the words "Planet First: Making the world a greener, cleaner place to live".
Inside the box, the 'think of the polar bears' theme continues. Included is a foil sticker which contains an EU energy rating and has energy consumption figures on it. Mine is rated 'A' so apparently that's good (it looks remarkably similar to those foil club badges in Panini football sticker albums).
And so onto the instruction manual. Now, don't expect it tell you how to set the tv up, because it won't, there's the e-manual on the tv to do that - saves paper you see. So you have to turn the set on in order to get instructions on how to plug the tv in. Instead, in the paper version, we get more environmental messages such as the carbon footprint and the following advice:
Do not leave your tv in standby mode for long periods of time, as a small amount of electric power is still consumed.So all well and good, I've bought a new tv and have nice warm feeling inside that I've done my bit for the environment.
However, there's a problem...
There's one feature my shiny new tv doesn't have that all my previous ones on/off button. It doesn't have one, no push button, no rocker switch, no nothing. That then leaves only two options. Either unplugging the set, which means clambering around the back, fighting the cable spaghetti to unplug it from a four gang socket (for Mrs TBF this is a complete non starter). Or...wait for it...leave it on standby...permanently.
Genius, eh?
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Quote Of The Day
Britain, America and the EU: All want our [Germany's] Cash,...the last paragraph says, translated from German courtesy of Google translate (my emphasis):
In plain English: The French want to go to big money - and that may be in Europe at the end, only the German one.
Who Will Blink First
"I am firmly convinced that the mandate of the European Central Bank cannot, absolutely cannot, be changed."So now what? There are two stark options for Merkel; integration or break-up. Instead what we have here is a game of brinkmanship being taken right to the wire where all of our lives are being messed about on a whim. We've been here before, but it won't affect them it will instead affect us.
We should not be accepting this.
Last Man Standing
The decisions by Germany are essential to the survival or otherwise of the Euro. As argued before on this blog, Germany faces an impossible position; it wants the survival of the Euro but is unable to take the steps necessary to ensure this. In a great piece Acting Man calls it An Intractable Problem.LONDON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - German government bonds fell sharply on Wednesday after investors shunned the country's auction of new 10-year debt, signalling that the fast-spreading euro zone crisis was eroding the safe haven status of German debt.
Germany drew significantly less [sic] bids than the amount on offer for its Bunds, with investors deterred by very low yields. The euro zone powerhouse was caught between the best and worst possible scenarios on the euro zone crisis.
"It is a complete and utter disaster," said Marc Ostwald, strategist at Monument Securities in London. "If Germany can only manage a 0.65 cover in actual terms for what is going to be their next benchmark then what hope for everybody else?"
"It really tells you that the Bund yields are at the completely wrong level ... never mind that they are a safe haven. There's certainly a partial element of 'they (investors)would rather not have euros' in there."
The EU of course is arguing for more integration via Eurobonds as a solution:
The EC is launching a consultation to assess if the 17 eurozone countries can issue the bonds to raise cash.But the EU must know that this would be illegal under German Constitutional Court rulings, it makes one wonder whether not only is this the last desperate throw of the dice for more integration but the laying of the groundwork for the blame game when it all goes pear shaped - that it was Germany's fault for not listening to the EC and its 'messiah' Barroso. The collapse of the Euro will cause enormous political ramifications and fallout.
Mr Barroso's 'stability bonds' plan would see much more investigation and control of the budgets of countries within the eurozone, to avoid a repeat of the bailouts and crises affecting the region.
The Financial Times has interesting piece that the markets have effectively 'smoked out' a stealth operation by the Bundesbank to try to control the German bond market, which spectacularly failed this morning:
That, alongside the fact that the Bundesbank is retaining an ever greater share of bonds from auction, suggests only one thing to the logical mind. It is the Bundesbank which is cornering the bund market on purpose. And it’s doing so to ensure that the one last repo rate in Europe that can be controlled remains suppressed.One thing is for sure, though, now that Eurozone contagion has infected Germany, it's game over.The rate is important to suppress because almost all interbank funding is now done on a secured basis against the best quality collateral. Which implies two important points: 1) that the ECB itself has lost control and depends almost entirely on the Bundesbank to enforce its low rate policy target and 2) that the Bundesbank is having to retain more bunds from the market than ever before just to ensure the last functioning repo rate in Europe doesn’t spiral out of control.
That, we would say, is a big deal.
Whatever the case, Wednesday’s auction suggests the Bundesbank’s stealth operation has finally been outed. The question is, will the Bundesbank now be broken too?
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
ClimateGate II
Apparently the UEA says (my emphasis):
"If genuine, (the sheer volume of material makes it impossible to confirm at present that they are all genuine) these emails have the appearance of having been held back after the theft of data and emails in 2009 to be released at a time designed to cause maximum disruption to the imminent international climate talks".That will naturally be reported, by the MSM, as an entirely different type of data theft in comparison to this, this and this.
Stupid Questions

Readers probably recognise the above picture as an Ishihara colour plate used to test for colour blindness. These were my nemesis at school. I was subjected to these more than most because I neither had perfect sight nor full colour blindness - just somewhere inbetween - something which completely confused my testers. ("but you must be one or the other"). For example (apparently) with the above plate if you have normal sight then 74 should be visible those with full colour blindness you may see 21. Me? I just see dots.
My problem was not trying to find tennis balls in the grass nor distinguishing traffic lights but subtle differences between certain colours. Now, this has never been much of a problem: it only ever really cropped up with some computer games, notably older versions of Pro Evolution Soccer, where it would choose the teams' kits and you couldn't amend them. Certain clashes of strip colours meant that whilst I could see the difference when the game was paused I couldn't pick out the teams when the game was in progress and the players were moving about. The result was that in those circumstances I got heavily beaten (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).
Anyway, 'my eyesight problem' has cropped up this morning. I've been installing, for the company I work for, a new server monitoring software, which uses a really rubbish traffic light system to detect problems. Basically it gives a red alert for a major hardware failure, a yellow alert for a minor failure and a green alert for all ok. However the subtle differences between the shades of green and yellow that are used means that I find it difficult at first glance to differentiate between the two. This resulted in the following conversation:
- Him: "It's that one" (pointing to the yellow alert)
- TBF: "Oh right thanks, sorry I'm partially colour blind"
- Him: "How can you not see that?"
- TBF: "I just can't, sorry"
- Him: "But it's obvious it's yellow, how can you not see that?"
- TBF: "Sorry, not to me it isn't"
- Him: "Jesus, you're weird"
Fed Up
I'm rapidly coming to similar conclusions.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Compare And Contrast
Going by this interview presenter Jon Sopel's own views are obvious - his line of questioning is clearly seen to be less to do with holding a politician to account on his policies but more to do with expressing his personal views. I know this is "do bears shit in the woods" stuff but it really is a disgrace.
Friday, 18 November 2011
The Enemy Is Within

The Tory press seems to be making out Germany as the villain in the current political shenanigans concerning the disintegrating EU. Those of us in favour of independence should steer well clear of this evocation of the ghosts of past conflicts. This is not about the struggle of nation against nation, but of the parasitical political/bureaucratic class against the common people in this nation and in others.Absolutely spot on, a point also echoed by Daniel Hannan this week, in a post I've only just seen.
David Cameron, clueless puppet though he is, should be the object of our ire, not Angela Merkel. He is the point-man for the EU's continued take-over of this country. The fact is that events are blowing gaping holes in the political position of the pro-Brussels gang. In this country they have forever lied to us that the EU was not about ever-closer union, leading inevitably to something resembling the United States of Europe. Elsewhere this has been discussed openly, but the pro-Brussels gang have not wanted such a debate. Far better to mislead the public for as long as humanly possible as to the true nature of the 'Project'.
The problem is by seeing the EU as a German 'problem' not only does it identify the wrong enemy, but it becomes in effect a coward’s cult. By that I mean that incorrectly portraying a 'superior' enemy who is all seeing and all powerful (something very common to most conspiracy theories) it in effect, and ironically, renders the critics powerless. As a consequence it thus becomes an excuse for inaction used by those who don’t have the stomach to engage in real political battles. In short it's easier to blame the Germans, than actually do something about it.
The tragedy is that there are more of us than them and we don't utilise that fact; we have the power to bring down the Cameron coalition government in days should we wish - the fuel protests showed the way, we could also have a tax strike or we could challenge the finances of local government. Instead it appears to be easier to blame the Germans and do nothing.
Thus I have a lot of sympathy with Captain Ranty's frustrations.
"10 German Bombers..."

As Richard North wrote on Wednesday "Anti-German sentiment is still only skin-deep in much of British society" and with Cameron meeting Merkel today in what has been described as a tense meeting so it proves. Following on from recent copies of the Express and the Daily Mail, today's Telegraph (pictured above) indulges in a non-too subtle form of 'hun-bashing'. As a result I'm already suffering from 'Godwin's law overload' trying to follow the Euro crisis - and it's still only mid-morning as I write.
But nevermind, apparently German plots are afoot to deny us our say... which is nonsense. If we wanted a referendum in this country we can jolly well have one, there's little the Germans or anyone else can do about it. The real reason we won't get one lies a lot closer to home; more specifically David '3-line whip' Cameron. That somehow the Germans are preventing a referendum that Cameron really wants is ludicrous - at least it gives him someone to blame though.
Not that any of this will prevent outbursts that the EU is really a Fourth Reich or ODESSA-on-steroids. The reality is much different, as revealed by even only a cursory look at the EU's French origins and the consistent manipulation of the EU by France for its own ends, a classic example being the CAP. Rather than a plot, the Eurocrisis has meant that Germany has been reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming into the current limelight primarily because it holds by far the biggest chequebook.
If the EU was really a German plot then this Eurocrisis would not exist. Instead we would have a fiscal union dominated by Germany, playing by German rules, solving at a stroke the fundamental flaws in the currency - the markets would be popping champagne corks.
However we have a crisis because she is doing precisely the opposite. Germany faces an impossible choice between accepting fiscal union, and thus giving up sovereignty (which the German Constitutional Court has ruled illegal) or facing the breakup of the Euro resulting in it being a pariah in the EU - taking the blame for its collapse. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.
All of this 'Nazi' blame game though conveniently overlooks the fact the real enemy lies elsewhere. It doesn't reside in Berlin, nor Paris, but in London - Whitehall. The EU never attacked our castle walls with copious Trebuchets and forced entry, instead we lowered the drawbridge, lifted the portcullis and invited them in. Not only that, we also laid on the biggest banquets, gave them the best rooms and told them that they could stay as long as they liked.
One of the first rules of battle is to know your enemy, and if we can't even get past that then we are doomed to lose the war (oops did I mention the war?).
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
3 Days After Remembrance Sunday
Italy Prime Minister-designate Mario Monti on Wednesday unveiled his new cabinet to deal with his country’s debt crisis.Wearing a poppy means bugger all, the best way to honour those who gave their lives for 'their tomorrows' is to continue the everlasting fight to preserve freedom and democracy:The former EU commissioner named himself as Italy’s new economy minister.
Monti’s cabinet does not contain a single elected politician.
His ministers are drawn from the worlds of finance, academia, and law.
The 68-year-old does have the support of all major political parties.
Only the right-wing Northern League has refused to back him.
Monti must win a vote of confidence in both houses of parliament before he can officially take office.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan
Facts - Up In Smoke
Yet it was with some irritation to both of us that BBC Breakfast this morning had as their main headline news a report from the British Medical Association that smoking should be banned in cars. Funnily enough when it comes to smoking, any civil liberty or freedom is too much - we've been here before. As Velvet Glove, Iron Fist correctly predicted yesterday, it's ground hog day:
Word has it that the British Medical Association is going to have another stab at campaigning for a smoking ban in cars today. This is turning into an biannual crusade and I don't have any more to say about it than I did in all these previous posts.Yep, an organisation with vested interests on a regular basis releases a press statement that is regurgitated verbatim and with enthusiasm by the BBC without critical comment. The same old weary pattern seen with many other issues such as minimum pricing on alcohol and obesity. As VGIF points out, the report is inaccurate at best.
It really is pathetic. And not just the BBC, the lies were repeated right across the MSM. It's no wonder why me and many others have stopped listening to them. It's bloggers - the voices of little (unpaid) guys that are filling the void - the MSM is becoming irrelevant and are writing themselves out of the script.
Shooting Up The Priority List
However leaving all that aside, the latest YouGov poll shows that Europe is now seen as the 3rd most important issue facing country (click to enlarge):

Tuesday, 15 November 2011
A Little Bit Pregnant?
So Labour have decided to re-badge themselves as quasi -Euro-sceptics.As EFSR rightly argues there is no third way between being sovereign or not sovereign. Europhiles like to argue about the sharing (or pooling) of sovereignty but it is a concept which is akin to saying you're a little bit pregnant.Should I point out the depth of their collective treason and unexpungable guilt?
They are still, however, defending their criminal theft of the referendum they promised us, and still all members of the anti-democracy, anti-sovereignty, pro-Brussels faction, but they are aware that their position is unpopular. They need to reposition, all the better to betray the people.
Hence this recent talk about ‘re-negotiation’ and ‘no further transfers of power’, ‘repatriation of powers’ etc. The aim is to craft a third way between sovereignty and the destruction of sovereignty. It goes without saying that there is no such third way.
There are, certainly, a handful of stalwarts in the Party, such as Kate Hoey and Austin Mitchell who have been vilified for years. All the rest are party hacks and traitors. See what Douglas Alexander says:"There's even a tendency … to say people keep rejecting pro-European propositions because they aren't proposed in a pro-European enough way."Really? A tendency? Well, there you have it. Our enemies don’t like being burdened by defending the status quo. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They don’t want to deal with the reality, but keep focused on the long-term goal of continent-wide Empire.
So we go through the same old boring tedious game again - when in opposition parties pretend to be 'eurosecptic' then as soon as elected they say; "yes EU, no EU, three bags full" etc. The dividing line between left and right no longer exists in politics, it's now a line between us and them.
"I'm Mad"
It's clear that the EU or member states cannot take the necessary measures to stem the crisis - they are sleepwalking into Euro meltdown where the consequences will be massive but are largely unpredictable.
I should be magnanimous in these times, but I'm afraid I can't be. I don't for one minute enjoy the consequences of the chaos on the impact on jobs and the economy but what is amusing is the ever desperate rhetoric from those that have always supported the Euro - Nick Clegg (my emphasis):
It means absolutely nothing to millions of people across the EU who are worried about economic security. They are worried about prospects for their children. The only people who will benefit will be populists, chauvinists and demagogues, who will exploit that lack of political leadership."Oh here we go - more labels, more insults. This is why, after decades of abuse for trying to argue against a flawed system of government and currency thus being inundated with abuse I have little sympathy. The battle against the EU has largely been a lonely and hostile one - those in favour refusing to engage in debate but instead chuck insults about like cheap confetti at a wedding.
So it is with some amusement that I read this post from the Europhile blog EU Weekly:
It reads like a perestroika advocate within the Soviet Union - believing that the system is fine; it just needs a little retuning.I am mad and disappointed.
I am mad at an half finished euro, which has been created without any sort of exit close in the treaty – Not that I ever wish for such a close to be used, just that it is a good sign of a well thought project to have an end-point ready, just in case.
I am mad at an over-optimistic eurozone that accepted Greece despite its lag in matching the growth and stability criteria and continued to ignore the obvious reality as long as things were looking OK and the illusion could be held.
I am mad because the euro is not just a great project or a nice dream. It has become a reality, it has been built upon and brought successful growth and integration among the european states. The euro add solid results and consequences making it impossible to be dismantled or even weaken. It has to be saved, rebuild, made stronger… there is no other options.
That’s why more than anything I am mad and disappointed at the European leaders who fail again and again to tackle the problem and do what is needed to make the euro as strong as it is supposed to be. Every major actor of the financial world agrees to say that the best option is to go forward into a federalist union with eurobonds as the core of the public debt for member states, but all that Merkozy et al. are doing is finding workarounds to the issue, half-fixing the problem for a few months.
No. The EU is flawed, it's conception was flawed, the Euro is flawed, everything about it is flawed. In years to come, when the EU and the Euro has collapsed, historians will wonder with bemusement how earth did we fall for this trick for so long?
Spot The Difference?


"The famous pipe. How people reproached me for it! And yet, could you stuff my pipe? No, it's just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture "This is a pipe," I'd have been lying" - Magritte
More Tory Delusion
Yet it never ceases to amaze me how after 40 years of evidence to the contrary that some still believe the Tories are sceptical. I wonder how much more obvious do they need to be to prove that they're not? Not only do they willing pick up the soap but they offer to build the shower in the first place.
I think the key to Cranmer's position lies in the first couple of sentences:
Have you noticed that UKIP is about to replace the LibDems as the UK’s third party? Apparently, they are now regularly polling a 7 per cent approval rating, just a tantalising single point behind the LibDems.That UKIP has gone from a standing start to being nearly the third party in less than 20 years is a remarkable achievement. Personally I believe they should be doing much better, but that is for another blog post. But at least it demonstrates, with the recent outbursts, that Tories are rattled.
However instead of listening, Cranmer demonstrates clearly the default Tory position - wagon circling and repeating tired lame anti-UKIP messages, little realising that on a whole host of issues, the Tories, and indeed the whole political class, stick to a consensus that isn't matched by the British people. Nature abhors a vacuum and UKIP (partly) fills that vacuum.
And as the collapse of the EU continues, the Tories will still be reciting the same old messages that they've being doing for years - as if stuck in a time warp, despite that the rise of UKIP shows that it is not working.
It won't be UKIP that kills off the Conservative Party, instead the Conservative Party will kill itself off.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
A Non Story?
Commuters in 4x4 vehicles are demanding larger railway station car park spaces so they can avoid being fined for straying over the white lines.Interesting...because Didcot is my local station which I use very regularly for work and travelling to football. The only issue of parking that has ever cropped up in my local paper, to my knowledge is one of a lack of spaces, not the size of them - an issue epitomised by the demolition of a grade 2 listed pub to make way for extra parking - strangely enough the Daily Mail has never highlighted that.
Irate commuters at Didcot Parkway railway station in Oxfordshire say parking bays are too small for their cars.
Motorists who have complained most drive the expensive up-market Range Rover models, which are popular in rural Oxfordshire.
Now, Didcot Parkway is undergoing a bit of a revamp at the moment on the forecourt - the taxi rank is being moved, more spaces are being made available for drop-off and for disabled travellers etc. None of this is of course mentioned in the piece. Didcot Parkway also has at least four separate car parks (including one very large one), as fitting for a 'parkway' but it's hard to know by the Mail report which car park they refer to.
However a quick search shows this on the BBC local site yesterday:
People parking at an Oxfordshire car park say they are being fined for not keeping within the white lines.
The size of the spaces at Didcot Parkway railway station, on Foxhall Road, are unconfirmed but some commuters claim they are too small.
Ah the Mail have nicked the story from elsewhere, a story which refers to a carpark that has been there longer than I have (over 10 years) and whose parking space sizes have remained unchanged since. The space sizes are no different to the local supermarket ones and certainly they are wider than the ones in a nearby shopping centre.
So this leads me onto the quotes that help 'colour' the article:
One commuter, Penny Reid, from Wantage, drives a Land Rover Freelander and recently received an £80 Civil Parking Notice at the car park."I can fit within the space" So why did Penny get a ticket for not doing so? Hmm. Then...
She said: 'I can fit within the space, I'm a good parker - but if there is a car parked next to me I can't get out.'
Edward Hanrahan, from East Hendred, Oxfordshire, regularly parks his Audi A4, which he describes as a 'medium sized car', at Didcot Parkway.I've parked an Audi A4 (courtesy car) in that particular carpark, no problems, yet Edward got an £80 parking ticket - for what? The piece doesn't specifically say. (and he admits he didn't pay, or possibly challenge it)
He said: 'I got an £80 parking ticket, then three weeks later when I hadn't paid it I got a final demand and a doubling of the payment.
'Since then I've had another demand from a solicitor and debt collectors - it's all just scare-mongering.'
It seems that the Mail have embossed a non story with a '4*4' in rural Oxfordshire slant, chucking in easy quotes from a couple of disgruntled motorists.
I have sympathy that some parking attendants can be over-zealous, but it becomes laughable when trying to defend what is essentially a non-story by describing Didcot as a rustic rural place - when it has one of these beauties residing on its doorstep.
But then we've been here before with the Daily Mail.
Don't Laugh
We want to join the eurozone in 2015. Please don't laugh. We do not believe in a fragmented Europe. Romania supports the process of integration.The ludicrousness of that statement reminds me of the mid 90's track Don't laugh by Josh Wink which about half-way through encourages you to do preciously the opposite.
A New Phase

Just my luck, on the day the Eurozone entered a new and more dangerous phase - yields on Italian Bonds smashing through the psychologically important 7% figure yesterday - I found myself on family business which meant I had no internet access.
Not so much as hit the buffers, the Eurozone has instead crashed right through them, as Italy enters bailout territory. One problem, it's too big to bailout. To illustrate the seriousness of this new phase, an orderly breakup of the Euro is now being seriously discussed, in effect jettisoning the peripheral countries and France and Germany going for a smaller Eurozone. But, given the glacial speed of EU decisions, events look set to overtake them - contagion is already reaching Spain and France today. It looks set to be another bloodbath.
One thing's for sure, we are witnessing European history in the making.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Liberal And Democratic?

Basically bollocks to Italian voters.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Groundhog Week
What odds on that he announces a referendum soon or decides to pull out of the Euro altogether as a last desperate measure?
That Euro Crisis (Again)
Talks of a possible Euro breakup are now openingly being discussed as German tour operator TUI writes to hoteliers demanding that they agree to renegotiate contracts in Greece's old currency - the drachma.
There are conspiracy theories this morning that the pressure on Italian bonds is being used to force the removal of Berlusconi. The collapse of the Italian government would bring relief to the markets. That a government collapse could help market confidence is a strong indication of how bad this crisis is. I'm not so sure about the conspiracy theories, my feeling is that the crisis is starting to snowball, to escalate out of control towards its inevitable conclusion; that the markets no longer believe (rightly) that the EU has the capacity to solve the problem. We can only wait and see.
But don't worry the EU have everything in hand, their solution? To announce another Eurozone crisis meeting. On November 17th.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
The Tory Delusion
If I may, as a UKIP supporter, I would like to respond to a number of points that you raise in your post.Update: Simon Cooke (Magus), author of the post, has tweeted rather weakly, in my view, that all of his comments miss the point. In what way? I'm happy to be corrected. I suspect I won't be because, rather than miss the point, the comments tell an inconvenient truth.
Firstly I get the impression that you're implying that UKIP is an exile party for former Tories. This is simply not the case. It derives its support right across the political spectrum. For example one of its heartlands is in the South West which is Lib Dem territory and one of UKIP's best recent performances was in Barnsley - a Labour stronghold. Asking UKIP members who used to be Lib Dem or Labour to vote Tory is a bit of a long shot to say the least. I personally have never voted Tory and am very unlikely to ever do so.
The second point I would like to make is the loose term of the word Eurosceptic - it is a term that is often misused. The vast majority of Tories want to stay in the EU.
You write "that half the backbenches in parliament supported an in/out referendum reflects that fact" That is not entirely true, the motion also contained an option to "repatriate powers" which means continuing membership - this what attracted backbencher support. The vast majority of Tory MPs agree with this latter option as indicated by your comment here: "My Party becomes more opposed to the continuation of EU integration with each passing day."
Repatriation of powers, though technically possible is not going to happen. Technically it's possible for me to land on the moon but the chances of it happening is precisely zero. Arguing for repatriation woefully misunderstands 'ever closer union' and the process of acquis communautaire. Euroscepticism is a term used to try to keep the Tory faithful on board while keeping EU membership - it is a deception.
And that leads me on to my third and more important point - that the Tories are not eurosceptic.
Andrew Carnegie once said “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”. This most definitely applies to Tories. In nearly 40 years, despite the rhetoric, they have:Actions speak louder than words and no amount of rhetoric can cover the fact that the Tories cannot wait to constantly integrate further.
- Entered the EEC on a lie (read the 1971 internal document FCO 30/1048)
- Campaigned in the 1975 referendum for a yes vote, including Thatcher
- Passed the Single European Act
- Shadowed the Deutschmark in preparation to enter the ERM.
- Entered the ERM which directly lead to the early '90s recession
- Passed the Maastricht Treaty
- Have become, in Roger Helmer's words the most pro-EU government ever, since elected in 2010.
To use a football analogy; I have supported my team for over 25 years, in that time I've criticised players, managers and the board but every year I still renew my season ticket. That makes me a supporter not a sceptic. And the same is true of Tories, despite the criticism of some aspects of the EU, when that EU season ticket renewal comes up they gleefully renew. They are supporters not sceptics.
Then there's this comment: So long as UKIP leaches those votes, there will not be such a majority and we'll remain on that seemingly inexorable course to a federal Europe. Leaving aside the question of 'Tories are Euroscpetic' as countered above this assertion has been my experience for a long time as a PPC and a local candidate. Tories have a habit of accusing UKIP of 'stealing our votes' or 'splitting the vote so Labour gets in'. Not mine or UKIPs problem I'm afraid, party polices are rather like goods in a shop, if no one wants to buy them that's the shop's fault not the customers. The solution to the Tories haemorrhaging voters and members is to look in the mirror.
And it's for those reasons that I will never support them or any other of the main parties.