Thursday 29 November 2012

A Bun Fight

Today some report by a Lord, a member of the establishment, will recommend legislation by other members of the establishment, to regulate the press - also members of the establishment - who will then moan that fellow members of the establishment shouldn't tell them what to say.

Despite that, members of the establishment known as the press who have for years self-regulated themselves on behalf of other members of the establishment, known as the government, preventing the consequences of many polices entering the public domain, or at least limiting the damage, in publicity terms, will complain that their right to 'bias by admission' should not be regulated by other members of the establishment.

Other members of the establishment, aka Cameron, will defend members of the establishment known as the press because it is in his interest to do so on behalf of the establishment known as the Government.

Further members of the establishment, will gloat in the demise of another membership of the establishment even though they employed a rampant peadophile, and were defended by other members of the establishment. Phone hacking, being a complaint brought about by members of the establishment, will complain that the establishment infringes on their privacy but also uses the said same establishment to further their careers.

But at least the comforting factor is that all members of the establishment agree with membership of another establishment.

Meanwhile the rest of us are fucked....


  1. As you say, none of this incestuous infighting has any real impact on the nation at large. As someone famous once said in other circumstances, it's a pity they can't all lose.
    As for Mr C Smith and his proclivities, I wonder how significant was the fact that his boss, Mr Thorpe, was buggering someone who he was accused of trying to have murdered. Poor old Rinka (I think the dog was called) was the sacrificial lamb in that scenario.

  2. @JiC Yes incestuous is the word...
