Monday, 4 March 2013

Back In 5 Minutes

My blogging output has decreased somewhat over the last couple of weeks as I go through another bout of "blogger's block".

Blogging has an odd way of seemingly imposing a self-inflicted pressure to deliver daily posts, however you know things aren't quite right when you start to desperately scour the news with not a clue what to write, but there's always a nagging feeling that you must write something. At this point - when the tail starts to wag the dog - I've learnt to take a short break and come back refreshed.

Strangely it's not as if there's been nothing to write about, particularly with the Eastleigh by-election. The second place achieved by UKIP has resulted in a reaction in the media not far short of hyperbole - whereas a more sober and superior analysis can be found elsewhere. Confusion in the Tory ranks is echoed by confusion and denial by the Telegraph for example.

Clearly the media have spotted that something is wrong - which is a start. Recognising there's a problem is the first step as any alcoholic will tell you but that is a long way short of solutions and full recovery. It's not Cameron nor the Tories who are the problem, it goes much deeper than that. But as always in revolutions, the capital - the heart of power - is always the last to know or to acknowledge it. The capital of a country is always the last to be taken and so it will be in this case even if the method is peaceful.

Anyways I've been taking a short blogging break and will be back very soon with a post about the Royal Mail, EU and International post, which has turned out to be more fiendishly complex than I anticipated.

So in metaphorical terms I've popped out for a cheese and tomato sandwich and will be back in 5 minutes.