Thursday, 23 June 2011

Douglas Carswell U-Turns On EU Exit?

Witterings from Witney alerts me to this latest post from Douglas Carswell:

It's encouraging to see so many of the 2010 intake of Conservative MPs recognising the hopelessness of "throwing good money after bad" in the Eurozone bailouts with a letter to the Financial Times today. Many of them also voted to stop the bailouts in the division lobby.

They are surely right. Bravo.

Not only is Carswell agreeing with proposals that are anything but a radical reform of the EU despite his previous well known assertions, astonishingly Carswell then links to a ConHome page that contradicts his claim that 'many of them voted to stop the bailouts' - as I blogged here, only one of the fourteen signatories did. (or am I missing something?) *

Carswell then finishes his blog with this :

That makes it all the better to see Members of Parliament demanding a radical overhaul of our approach to Europe – and, let it be whispered softly, perhaps even some kind of meaningful democratic oversight over Britain’s EU deal making.

Ahh, the classic - democratic oversight rather than out. In other words 'in Europe not ruled by it'. A Judas goat indeed.

*Exactly 50% of those Tories who voted against the bailout were new intakes - 15 Tory MPs out of 30. Plus the number of new intake Tory MPs in 2010 was 148. So where has Mr Carswell got his 'many' from?


  1. Ta for yet another link, TBF.

    Damn, trust me to miss the judas goat thing - something I have used previously..... :(

  2. No worries regarding the link WfW, my pleasure

  3. Here we are in 2014.

    Is it time yet to admit that anyone that thought the bailouts were a bad idea were flat-out wrong?

    Were the bailouts "good money after bad"?
