Rotherham Borough Council said the children were "not indigenous white British" and that it had concerns about UKIP's stance on immigration.Rather than base the decision on the welfare of the children, whose foster parents are 'exemplary' and have been approved foster parents for seven years, the decision is clearly politicly motivated. If you vote for a party Rotherham Council don't agree with, you can't foster.
It said it had to consider the "needs of the children longer term".
The unnamed couple told the Daily Telegraph social workers had accused them of belonging to a "racist party".
However Rotherham Borough Council's Strategic Director of Children and Young People's Services, Joyce Thacker is unrepentant. You can see part of her interview here on the BBC site. I saw this live and what she also said, which is missing from the clip, is that they are not allowed to ask about political leanings of prospective foster parents. Which means by logical conclusion that it should have no influence in the decision making, yet that is precisely what has now happened.
And it is with some irony that the foster couple in question are ex-Labour supporters.