However, the establishment – and certainly the media – is less comfortable with the idea that one or more police officers may have fabricated evidence, and/or exaggerated events, except that those of us in the real world know this to be a common enough occurrence. When push comes to shove, our boys in blue (and increasingly fluorescent yellow) are no more (or less) reliable than politicians.Yet it stinks right across the board
Exhibit A:
David Cameron has been mocked for meeting Rebekah Brooks for the first time since the former News of the World editor was charged with offences related to phone-hacking.
The Prime Minister reportedly had a lengthy conversation with Mrs Brooks during a private gathering held by Tom Astor, who is the great-grandson of the Nancy Astor, the US heiress.
Downing Street sources confirmed the encounter took place at a party in Mr Cameron's Witney constituency, but the content of their conversation is unknown.
It comes as David Cameron wrestles with the issue of press regulation after the Leveson Inquiry recommended tighter controls in the wake of phone-hacking at the News of the World.
Exhibit B:
A former chief constable is to lead a new criminal inquiry into the Hillsborough disaster as police officers, the Football Association and a council all face potential prosecution over the 96 deaths. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said the move, which came as the High Court quashed the original accidental death inquest verdicts, would ensure nobody responsible for the tragedy 23 years ago escapes scrutiny in the families’ search for justice.Exhibit C:
The Prime Minister promised police will get to "the truth of the matter", after fresh evidence suggesting an officer may have pretended to be a member of the public and fabricated an account of the incident.From the same newspaper in just one day, what a fantastically honest establishment we's rotten to the core.
Update - Exhibit D (I'm losing track):