Monday, 14 January 2013

The Date Changes Again

First Cameron was supposed to deliver his long awaited EU speech on the 15th of January, then it was pushed back to the 22nd of January, according to the Sun:
The Sun has learned the PM will spell out his vision of a post-crisis Europe on January 22.
And he will almost certainly make the speech in The Hague. Dutch leader Mark Rutte will back his bid to fight for powers and money to be returned to nation states.
"Almost certainly" turns out to be a slightly prescient phrase used by the Sun because...oh whoops... that date upset the French and the Germans:
David Cameron has astonished Berlin by looking to make his controversial Europe speech on the same day that France and Germany stage lavish celebrations marking their postwar reconciliation.

To add to the diplomatic drama, Mr Cameron is considering making his speech in Germany on the day hundreds of French and German politicians gather in Berlin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Elysée treaty.

British officials insist the provisional date “is not intended” to be provocative.
So...Cameron's long awaited speech has been moved again:
David Cameron's...speech on the UK and Europe will take place on Friday.
Now only four days to we can't wait.