Sunday, 15 August 2010

EU Flag

Instead of telling the EU to go take a hike, it appears that yet again we are bending over backwards to comply with EU demands, according to the Mail today:

Business chiefs have issued advice to companies and public bodies on how to escape heavy penalties for failing to display European Union flags after British organisations were fined an astonishing £150  million for not giving the EU enough publicity.

Companies receiving European grants must display its logo on their buildings, posters and websites or face being forced to pay back some of the funding. Now Yorkshire Forward, a regional development agency, has produced an 18-page booklet that advises organisations how to escape the punitive penalties

One of the comments under article sums the position wonderfully:
So, having been forced to contribute to the EU budget, we have to fly a flag when we get a tiny bit of it back.

I'm going back to bed..
There's actually nothing really new in the Mail report; guidance for EU grants by Yorkshire Forward has been issued for years. It would be nice though if for once, someone gave them the 'Anne Robinson' treatment. Oh, they already have:
The body charged with attracting investment to the Yorkshire and Humber region is to be abolished.

Yorkshire Forward is among nine regional development agencies (RDAs) in England which will be replaced with Local Enterprise Partnerships.

The government confirmed its intention as it unveiled its Budget on Tuesday. The process will begin with a white paper to be published later this year.

Good riddance.

1 comment:

  1. As I commented elsewhere TBF, why not cut out the middle man which negates the need to display flags, plaques and all the other unnecessary crap!

    Unfortunately LEP's are no more than RDAs under another name - still got to have this regionalisation as we have to have bodies to disburse the grant monies!

    Never mind going back to bed - can we just bloody leave!
