Tuesday 16 November 2010


European finance ministers are meeting today in Brussels searching for a solution to the eurozone's latest crisis - aka how can we bully Ireland into accepting a bail-out. Though as EuReferendum points out:
Confusion, ill-will, acrimony and even panic seem to be dominating proceedings, and for once we seem to have the "colleagues" thrashing around with very little idea of what to do and how to manage the situation. There is a whiff of the euroslime having lost control.
Let's hope so, I don't have time to post my own thoughts at the moment, so here's a small round-up:
  • Autonomous Mind on the nasty bullying of Ireland.

  • The Tap on the reasons for Ireland's refusal (though, as Ireland have had their democratic say over Europe many times, they deserve what they get).

  • Brussels blog thinks this crisis is just what Merkel wants, but it's come sooner than expected.

  • Jeremy Warner in the Telegraph warns that Britain won't be immune from the Euro crisis.

  • Charlemagne's notebook on what the possible rescue package could be like.

  • CityWire on Ireland bowing to the EU's bullying and accepting help for its banks.

  • Financial Times on how attempting to save the Euro is futile and that its death roes are remarkably similar to the failed attempts stave off sterling devaluation during the 1960s
Oh, and the EU budget negotiations have collapsed as well.


  1. Many thanks for your generous link.

    Now, what's all this about the EU budget negotiations having collapsed?

    Perhaps I misunderstood, but didn't Honest Dave tell us he had done a deal that would only cost us an extra £450m per annum?

    Shurely Honest Dave could not have spun us a line? There must be some mishtake?

  2. No problem AM. Ha ha! Good point.

    Sadly, for Cameron his 'victory' (temporary freeze) over the EU budget is overshadowed by the Euro crisis and the Royal wedding.

    So the budget is only a crisis postponed (for Cameron) until the EU come back with proposals that outline exactly the same figure (or direct taxes)
